Sunday, August 16, 2020

Catching the Mississagi

 I wasn't sure if I would be able to get the next ship because it was starting to get dark and I was having some trouble loading my AIS.  I ended up using the drone to do recon and I saw her starting to come around the bend.

I think upbound ships have to wait for downbound ships if they are in a certain area.  This is because of a collision they had in Port Huron a few years ago.  When I saw her last on AIS, she was doing around 1 knot.
She's been a workhorse this year and that makes me wonder if her days are numbered.
She was heading up to Fisher Harbor which is up near Sudbury at the very north part of Lake Huron east of Detour Island.
While there, I assume she will grab a load of stone.
It's kind of nice catching ships around dusk because they turn their lights on and it is still light enough to actually get a picture of the ship.
I think the sun may have been behind either the clouds or the buildings.
I had to bump up the film speed to get this pictures.
Made it a little challenging too.
At least this camera can handle the higher film speeds pretty well.
And then I switched the drone.
I was getting a warning that it might have been too dark but I soldiered on because I could still see the drone.
She gets closer.
I can see a little bit of motion blur on this picture.
The almost beam shot.
And the beam shot.
She makes the turn to leave the river.
And we can see a nice sunset.
One more shot with the drone.
 One more shot with the my normal camera.  I like the looks of this as she is out on Lake Huron.

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