Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Catching the Wolverine and Depot Town from the Air

 When I bought my drone, I didn't realize that there would be a learning curve associated with it.  Not so much with the flying of it although there is a learning curve associated with that.  More like learning angles and what works with it.  So I headed to Depot Town tonight to catch the Wolverine.

While I was waiting for the Wolverine, I figured that I would take some pictures of the depot.  I kind of like this angle.  It seems like with some stuff, a lower angle works better.
So I heard the Wolverine and waited for it.
I tried to get a picture of the train nearer to the depot but I forgot that there is a slight hesitation between hitting the button and getting the picture.  I probably should have snapped the picture right after this one.  But that is a timing that I will learn.  I do kind of like this picture and I think I like train pictures with the drone more on the deck.
I figured I would get a picture of the freighthouse.
And then I turned the drone around to get a picture of Depot Town itself.
And another picture before recovering my aircraft.  I'm liking my drone more and more and I think once I learn more about its us, I will like it even more.  I still don't see it replacing my normal camera though.

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