Monday, August 10, 2020

Catching the Yankee Warrior

 So Friday as I was sitting in my apartment, I heard the distinctive sound of a propeller aircraft.  I went outside and I saw the B-25.  Unfortunately, I didn't grab my camera but I looked at FlightRadar and I saw that it was doing circles around the field.  I figured that would give me a chance to catch it again.  So I grabbed my camera and waited.

As I was waiting for the B-25 to come around, I saw this guy taking off.  It was a 737 belonging to the Justice Department.  I think they were doing a prisoner transfer from Milan Federal Prison to somewhere else.
It wasn't long before the B-25 returned.  It is the Yankee Lady belonging to the Yankee Air Museum.
It is one of their flying aircraft and it will be joined by the Ford Tri-Motor next year.  I can't wait for that.
 Many people who have taken flights on both the B-17 and this one say this one is better.  One of these days, I would like to find out.

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