Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Depot Town from the Air Again

 So on Sunday night, I decided to head over to Depot town to get some pictures of the Wolverine.

Again, I decided to take to the air.
I learned how to adjust my camera, so I used that a little bit.
A shot of the Thompson building.  I will have to say that it looks pretty nice since they've finished most of the renovation of it.
A shot of Depot Town itself.  Next time, I'll have to pull the drone back and not shoot into the sun.
I kind of like this shot.
With the way the light was hitting this, it almost looks like an old Polaroid shot.
And the train appears. 
Unfortunately, with the COVID stuff, I only see this once a day.  The west bound train passes in the morning, so I wont be able to get that.
 One more shot before heading home.  I think I might have to crop this though.

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