Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Drone Shots of the Alpena....Mostly

 So this post will demonstrate one of the main reasons I got a drone.

Sometimes the thing I want to get pictures of  is in a difficult position to get pictures with my normal camera.  And there is not really a way for me to get to it easily.
Since I don't have a boat, I can't get past the fence that is between here and Del Ray park.  Granted, I can hold my camera around it but I can't quite get angles like this.
Nor can  I get angles where I am above the ship.  I will have to admit, ships take on a different look when shooting from above.
So I pulled the drone out a bit to get an overall view o the cement plant.
And then I could move it to get
Back to one of my early angles.
The drone is pretty easy to control and this one holds up pretty well in the wind. 
I kind of like the ability to get whatever angle I want.
I just wish there was zoom capability.
Pulling it up.
Closer and higher.
Back out on the water again.
Pulled back.  I kind of like this shot.
Pulled up.
Trying to get a head shot.
From above.  This is not an angle I would try when the ship is moving.
A head shot again.
From above again.
This is probably one of the reasons why I got the drone.
And I really like this view.
 Couldn't resist a shot with my camera.

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