Thursday, August 13, 2020

The Arthur M. Anderson in the Evening on Lake Huron

 I saw the Arthur M. Anderson on AIS but I didn't think I would have a chance to catch her before it got dark.  My mom and I thought up driving somewhere on the thumb to catch the Perseid showers.  As I was north of Lexington, I saw a ship off in the distance.  As I looked closer, I realized that she had to be the Arthur M. Anderson.   So I stopped at the next roadside park where I could (there are many nice roadside parts on M-25 along the lake and you can get a view of the lake from most of them).

 As it was getting dark, I had to bump up the film speed and even then I was shooting at a low shutter speed, so I apologize for both the blurriness and graininess if this picture.  But I wanted to post an picture of the Anderson, so here it is.

As I see the running lights of this ship, I can't help but think of the night that Edmund Fitzgerald went down.  Granted, the Lake is much calmer in this picture, the Anderson didn't have the gray stripe on her front nor did she have the self unloader but  I have to imagine this is close to how she looked on that night.

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