Friday, August 28, 2020

The Barton Dam from the Air

 So I figured I would try to catch the Wolverine at Barton Dam tonight.  I wasn't sure if I would make it in time.  If I didn't make it in time, I figured I would get some pictures of the dam. 

It's a pretty cool looking dam.  With those windows, it looks almost like a cathedral.
I'm not sure how many pictures I have of this dam but it was nice to get some from different angles.
I have to figure out if there is way I can set the drone to a slower shutter speed.  Would love to have the falls blurred.
Anyway, I just moved around the dam.  I tried to be careful, I didn't want to have an accident with my drone.
I think I'm gonna have to do this again.
Looking from top down.  I might have to get higher and see if I can get some straight down shots.
I kind of like this shot.
And one more.

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