Wednesday, August 12, 2020

The Return of Devil 505

 One of my favorite flights to catch is Fed Ex Flight 505 out of Memphis.  It is either a DC-10 or MD-11 and those are neat to watch.  I haven't caught it in a while because it's been coming in at odd times.  It used to come in around 6:00P.M. but it has been coming later lately.  I decided to catch it last night.

First up is an Embrear 175 out of Louisville.
It was followed by a Spirit Airlines A319 out of Dallas.  These used to be in the Spirit Digital livery but they painted them over.
A Delta 737 from Las Vegas.
If I can catch the American planes, I like to catch those too because they represent a different livery from all the Delta liveries.  This one arrived from Dallas.
A 737 from San Francisco.
A 757 coming in from Atlanta but it was coming in on the other runway, so this picture is cropped a bit.  One thing I like about my new camera is I can do that and I don't lose too much clarity.
A Fed Ex 767 coming in from Memphis.  This is not Devil 505.
Another angle.
This 757 was arriving from Fort Lauderdale.
Another angle.
And Devil 505 arrives.
You may ask why I call it Devil 505?  Well, mainly because that was the callsign of the character in Flight of the Intruder.
I realized it's not an Intruder but the callsign works.
It was coming from Memphis and was looking nice in the setting sun.
 One more.

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