Thursday, September 10, 2020

A Stop in Deshler

 So I went down to Deshler on Sunday.  It has been a while since I've been there and I wanted to try out my drone there.   I figured it would be a good place to test my drone with trains.

While I was waiting for the first train,  I decided to take some pictures of the depot.  I think the depot is owned by CSX but it would be nice to see some group take it over and restore it.
The former F tower here.  This has been replaced by a a more or less central dispatch.  I think they still use it for equipment storage and stuff.
One of the nice things about the drone is that I can get angles of things that I wouldn't normally be able to get.
Another angle of the tower.
Another angle of the depot.  It would have been nice to see this in its hey day.
A shot of downtown Deshler.
Looking south down the tracks.
It wasn't long before a train appeared.
This trian was heading eastbound.
I kind of like this shot.
It had an engine in the middle of the train.
It was followed by a westbound train.
I cropped this a little bit.  It is a Union Pacific Engine.  I should have shot to the side to get the art on the side.
And another one.  It seems like train watching at Deshler is feast or famine.
One more shot of it.
I decided to switch to my other camera.  I was hoping this train would pass in front of the Depot.  It ended up heading south.
Just some different angles of it.
I like this livery.  It was the livery I saw in Cumberland.
The almost straight shot.
And it continues to the south.
I like it when I can get a sense of place.

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