Thursday, September 10, 2020

A Visit to My Cousin's

 On Monday, I went over to my cousin's place in Kalamazoo.  His daughter was celebrating a birthday and it has bee an while since we've been over there.  It was kind of a nice visit.  His wife does alot of gardening and has some pretty nice looking flowers.

I'm not even going to attempt to identify these.  These were on the side of his house.

I like this orange flower and it looks like it has little flowers inside of it.

Another cool looking flower.

I think this one is a dahlia.
I really liked it, so  I decided to get a few different angles of it.

I caught this yellow jacket.
I was able to get different angles of it.
One more.
Another angle of the dahlia.
This chipmunk was wandering in.
Another angle of him.
I liked the looks of this lamp.
I had to show him my drone.

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