Saturday, September 12, 2020

An Air Show of Sorts

 So about a month ago, I got an e-mail from the Yankee Air Museum that they were doing a private air show.  For $250, you could be one of a select few cars to go on their property to watch an air show.  It was a way that folks could social distance.  I wasn't sure I wanted to pay that much to see an air show but I was sure that I wanted to see an air show.

Unfortunately, I forgot about it until I was poking around the planespotter page and someone posted a picture of the grounds.  That of course triggered my memory and I went to a place where I could see the planes.  Given the planes that they were flying, that was good enough for me.

First up was the museum's B-17, the Yankee Lady.
She's a beautiful bird.
The light was perfect where I was at.  This makes me think that if they have another evening air show, they should use their own grounds to host it because the sun would be at people's backs there.
Another shot of the B-17.  I love this plane.
The B-25 made a couple passes.
And then there was the C-47.
The B-17 coming in for another approach.  I'm pretty sure I would not want to see this view in anger.
This is pretty close to being one of my favorite shots for the night.
she passes by.
And again.  Unfortunately, I had many throw away shots but I had enough nice shots for a good blog post.
They started the smoke.  I almost looked like it was having problems.
And the B-17 coming in for another pass.
The C-47, Hairless Joe.  It is nice seeing this plane, but I would love to see a DC-3 in commercial livery.
Another angle.
And probably my favorite shot of the night.
The a P-51 Mustang took off.  Old Crow is a recreation of Bud Anderson's P-51.  He was an ace during World War II.  He is also still alive at 98.  Which I suspect means that he might be the last living American ace from World War II.
And then there was another P-51.
This one is also owned by Jack Roush and is a recreation of a P-51 belonging to Jim Browning.  He was also an ace.  He died in a collision with an Me-262.
Another shot of the B-17.
And another.
And another.  It was a perfect day for an "Air Show"
And the B-25.
I kind of like this shot because it looks like I could have been in a plane next to it.
And the C-47.
The two P-51s in formation.  I think both pilots served in the same unit for a time.
Not a view I would like to see if I were an enemy pilot.
Nor this one.
I kind of like this angle.
And this one.
And one more pass.
And climb.

It was pretty fun to see all the warbirds.

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