Monday, September 28, 2020

And the Algoma Sault

 This would be the last ship of the day for me.  There were a couple more downbound but it would be a while before the passed Belle Isle and I wanted to do some other things.  Plus at this point, I had used all the batteries in my drone.

Anyway, the Algoma Sault was coming over from Calumet.
I think she would have been carry stone but I'm not sure.
She was heading up to the Rouge River.
I think she was heading to the part where stone is delivered.
But she could also be carrying pet coke.
Anyway, I couldn't use my drone at this point because I had used all my batteries.
That's not too bad, considering I caught 6 ships and I even hovered for one while I was taking pictures of another one.
I figured I got about a half hour from each battery.  Maybe I might have gotten more if it wasn't so windy.
At this point, it was just as well that I couldn't use my drone because the winds were really starting to pick up.
Unfortunately, I couldn't time my shots to get some decent wave pictures.
The almost beam shot.
And the beam shot.
She continues down the river.
One more shot of her.  She shows her home port and that happens to be her name.

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