Sunday, September 27, 2020

Belle Isle from the Air

 I am finding it amazing that I've held out on getting a drone for so long.  I mean, I like aviation and I like to take pictures and a drone is an easy way to combine both.  I am amazed by the stunning views that I can get from the air.

While I had a little break between ships, I decided to take my drone up in the air.  I kind of wanted to use more battery before I replaced.  I'm not sure if the batteries get a memory but that is not really a chance that I want to take.  As you can see, it was a little on the hazy side
Looking at the other end.  I'm going to have to figure out a way how to get a view of the whole island.
Another view of the other end of the island.  You can see the Peace Carillon.  I think they are adding a garden to it.
One more view before going back to the ships.

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