Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Catching the Munson

 So the ship I had intended to catch was this one.  I was going to go up to Port Huron get pictures of her and go home.  But then I looked at the times for other ship passings and decided to make a day of it.

The John G. Munson was coming down for from Stoneport (I think).  As such, she would be carrying a a load of stone.
Stone has many uses.  If it is limestone, it can be used in a steel mill to purify the steel.  It can be used in the making of cement.  It can also be used in road construction.
She was heading down to Fairport, Ohio.  It is about 30 miles to the northeast of Cleveland.
I think she would have been carrying stone for construction.
She makes the first turn for the channel.
Because I was standing under the range light, I didn't get too many different aspects until she got closer.  But I liked the fact that I could get get a closer headshot.
she makes the turn for the other part of the river.

And one more shot of that angle.

So then I switched to my drone.  I kind of wish I were a little closer, but I didn't wand to lose out on the other angle.

She makes her turn for the other part of the St Clair River.
And she gets closer.
I was able to get a little higher this time as the wind wasn't too bad.
Gave me some good shots of the deck.  I might have to work on other angles sometime.
the almost beam shot.
She makes the turn.
I kind of like looking at the wake on these.
And she continues down the river.

If you look closely enough, you can see her in part of the river.   If you look even closer, you can see the other two ships coming up.

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