Sunday, September 27, 2020

Catching a New Ship

 So my dad came down to visit yesterday and we decided to go down to Belle Isle to get some ship pictures.  I wanted to use my drone and there was a ship that I wanted to catch coming down.  It was a nice day but it was pretty windy.

I made it in time to catch this ship.  I didn't bother to get my other camera out, I figured I would just get some pictures with my drone.  I just love the color of the water in this picture.
The ship in question is the BBC Echo.  She is a heavy lift ship and she is new to this blog, however I'm not sure if she is new to the Great Lakes.
As you can see from her deck, she is carrying a load of windmill blades and is headed for Duluth.  Her destination originally said Montreal when I saw her before heading out.  I knew that was not correct because she is a ways from Montreal.
I'm going to guess that she picked up the blades in Montreal all.
While she is owned and operated by a German company, she is registered in Antigua and Barbados and was constructed in 2010 but I'm not sure where.  If I had to guess, I would say China.
I will admit that I  have seen quite a few of these ships lately but then when you go to places like the thumb or along the Canadian coast, you see a ton of windmills.  I'm still not sure about human caused global warming but I think that anything that can be done to reduce our footprint will help.
She continues on her way.  She has about 60 hours to go until she reaches Duluth.
She has a couple of pilot changes.
I was amazed by the blueness of the water.
She meets the subject of the next post.

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