Monday, September 28, 2020

Catching the Yankee Lady

 So yesterday I was mulling about the idea of doing something but I didn't really feel like it.  I put in a pretty full day on Saturday.  As I was sitting in my room, I heard a pretty distinctive sound and looked out the window.  I saw the Yankee Lady taking off.

So headed over to Willow Run to catch her as she landed.  I went to a spot where I could catch the approach for the 27 runway.  As I was waiting, I caught this guy.
And then the Yankee Lady appeared but she ended up landing on the normal runway (forget the number).
Anyway, it made for some nice pictures.
She comes in for the landing.
One more shot and then I went back home.
I heard the Yankee Lady again, so I headed back to the airport.  This time, I caught a Cessna Citation coming in.  I think I may have taken a picture of this plane before.
I was in position to catch her landing.
And I think I got a nice picture in the process.  I also solved my dilemma of what to take a picture of.

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