Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Next Up the Algoma Innovator

 The next ship also stopped at the Imperial Fuel Dock.  Had that not happened, I probably would have missed it.

I'm not sure where the Algoma Innovator was coming up from but it was heading to Goderich, Ontario.
If I remember correctly, Goderich is about 6 or 7 hours from Port Huron by ship.
I think their main cargo is salt.
I ended up on the north side of the bridge so that I could get the multiple angles of this ship.
I was getting close to a headshot.
Which a boat decided to come in front.  I kind of like this picture because the boat almost looks like it is going to get flattened.
She makes the turn to leave the channel.
One more angle.
And then I took the drone up.  I almost like this shot.
But I like this one better.
She makes the turn for Lake Huron.
The beam shot.
She heads out.

She gets passed by the Huron Lady which is a tourist ship.
I think both ships exchanged horns.
ONe more shot as she's on Lake Huron.

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