Tuesday, September 15, 2020

The Honorable James L. Oberstar Makes an Appearance

 So this is the ship that brought me down to Detroit.

The Honorable James L. Oberstar was in layup for a longer time than usual because of the impact of the COVID virus.  Despite the rosy views from some, I think we are still a long way from full recovery.  The fact that I'm not see as many ships as normal might be a clue to that.  Anyway.
The Oberstar was coming down from Marquette where she picked up a load of taconoite.
She was heading to the Rouge River where she would deliver that taconite.
This is the first time I've seen her this season.
She has worn a few names in her life.  She was the Shenango II for a while.
Then she became the Charles M. Beeghly.
She was renamed the Oberstar in honor of a Wisconsin Congressman that was a strong advocate of the shipping industry.
And then I switched to my drone.
I am really liking the shots I get from the drone.  But I am still trying to figure out the best angles and what not.
Especially when the ship passes.
The almost beam shot.
She continues on her way.  I am glad that Interlake installed the scrubbers on their stacks.  It makes their ships look like steamships.
I was going to head over to the Rouge River to catch her but she got stopped by a train and I wasn't sure if she was staying at that particular dock or heading on her way.  I decided not to chance it and caught another ship instead.

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