Wednesday, October 7, 2020

A Classic Laker Kind of Day

 So I was going to do something else on Saturday and then I saw what was heading down the river.  At first I saw it was just the Mississagi and the Cuyahoga and then I looked a little further out and saw that I could catch the Kaye Barker and James L. Oberstar.  And then I saw that the John D. Leitch was downbound and that made up my mind for me.  It's not often that you get to see that many classic lakers in one day.

So first up for my day was the Mississagi.
I'm not sure where she was heading from, but she was heading to Detroit.  And based an where I saw her going, she was loaded with stone.
She was listed as heading to Detroit on AIS but I think she stopped in Windsor before heading across the river back to Detroit.
Anyway, it was a nice day for taking pictures except it was a little warm and that led to a little heat distortion.
But for the most part it was too bad after pictures of this ship.
It wasn't too windy but the pleasure boats were kicking up some wake and that made for waves against the hulls of the ships.
Having been built during World War II, the Mississagi is about as classic laker as you can get.
This would have been a standard configuration for a ship built during the war.
She missed being the oldest by about about a year.
It was a calm enough day, so I took to the air.  Winds were calm and were at my back.  It helped my drone get out quicker.
One of these days, I'm going to be brave enough to get a more lined up shot closer. 
If I do that, I might have to pass up on shots like this.
And I will probably have to pass on the beam shots.
But they don't last long anyway.
And the Mississagi continues on her way.
Like I said, she was heading to Detroit.
She passes the other part of Belle Isle.
And she passes out of view.

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