Thursday, October 8, 2020

A Stop at the Fallasburg Bridge

 My mom wanted to go to M-66 and then head south.  I was okay with that until I got to thinking about where the Fallasburg Bridge was.  I figured it was close enough that I could make a stop there to get some pictures.

As you can see, the colors are just starting.  I might head back here this weekend and there should be more colors.
I decided to use my drone for the first few pictures.  I figured that I could get some angles that I wouldn't normally be able to get unless I got in a canoe.  I'm not sure if I want to risk using my camera in a canoe.
Besides that, I couldn't get an aerial view like this.

I was trying to find the angle where I could get the entrance in the water.  The water was calm enough for a nice reflection.
Move around and got up higher.
I kind of like this shot.  I think I will like it more if there is more color.

Trying to get a shot from straight out.
Straight out and further back.  I was thinking of using the drone on the other side but I would have had to move somewhere else so that I could maintain visual contact.
So then I switched to my other camera.
I really like this angle.
I think I would like this angle if I had the reflection of the entrance in it.
One more.

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