Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Going to the Pine River

 So after catching the Cuyahoga, I decided to head up the east coast of Michigan for a little bit.  It was still a nice day and I didn't want to head home.

My first stop is a place that my mom used to go to paint every so often.  This fishing shack used to look more ramshackle and cooler.
A couple fishing boats.
Another fishing boat.
I decided to get my drone out.  I thought this would look pretty cool from the air.  I bet it looked cooler when it was older though.
I ended up taking my drone up higher.  You can see the river feeding into the Saginaw Bay.
A shot from above.
It turns out that the boat in the back is more of a barge.
I took one more shot.  It was starting to get windier and my drone was starting to complain a little bit.

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