Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Pa Barker Makes an Appearance

 Next up was not one of the ships I was expecting to see.

I think the James R. Barker was coming up from Cleveland.  I presume that she would have had a load of iron ore for the Cleveland Bulk Terminal (which is just before you enter the Cuyahoga River).
I wasn't expecting to see her because she ended up stopping for fuel on the Windsor side of the Detroit River.  I'm never sure of how long it will take for a ship to fuel up.
I think it is typically around 2 hours to fuel up but that is only a guess on my part.
Well, I was happy when I saw that she was making her way upbound, although it was roughly another hour before she would be at my position.
Again, it was nice to see some color in the backgroun.
And then I switched to my drone.  There was someone else with a drone while I was taking these pictures.  I ended up going to higher altitude than him.  I'll admit, it was weird to be near another person with a drone.
The sun was coming out just enough.  I liked the way that the water looked.
Another angle as she comes closer.
The sun was reflecting off her wake.  I think it made for a pretty cool effect.
And the beam shot.
Another beam shot as I followed along with the Barker.
She moves past.
The James R. Barker is equipped with the scrubbers that give the appearance of being a steam ship.
I really like the colors in this shot.
So I switched back to my other camera for a final shot of her.

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