Tuesday, October 13, 2020

The French Landing Dam

 So I've taken pictures of this dam before and when I did that, I was meaning to get pictures of the dam side of it.  I didn't really feel like doing much on Sunday, so I decided to head over here to get pictures.  I was thinking of another project but this was closer.

This has appeared on this blog before.  So I'm not going into the history.
I was hoping to get pictures of the dam side at some point.  Well, this made for a good some point.
Besides, I think the drone pictures work better.  I was going to get some pictures of the dam at the other side of Ford Lake but it was in the Willow Run authorization zone.
Fortunately, this dam wasn't.
It's a pretty cool looking dam.
Some other angles.  This is definitely a nice aspect of the drone.  I can get angles I wouldn't normally get.

I think I found a spot for trainspotting to.  I may have to come here again to get a train picture.
One more shot before leaving.

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