Tuesday, October 13, 2020

The Mississagi Enters Holland

 Because I decided to post the lighthouse pictures together, that makes this a little bit out of order.  I would have taken these pictures after the shot of the lighthouse with my normal camera and the rest of my shots with the drone.  I do this every so often because I like to group my blog posts by subject, even if it puts my pictures out of order.

It wasn't too long before the Mississagi came in.  I had to move from my original spot because I saw that I could get a better angle at another spot.
Admittedly, with the drone my position doesn't matter but I still like getting pictures with my proper camera.  I can't really get these angles with the drone anyway.
One of the side effects of getting ship pictures off Lake Michigan is that it is through a normal channel and sometimes I have to accept that I'm going to get pleasure boats in my pictures.  Although I wasn't too upset with sailboats.
I think the Mississagi was carrying stone because I think she was heading to the Verplanks Dock in Holland.
Occasionally I was able to get a clear picture though.
She starts to pass the other channel markers.
And the lighthouse.
And then I took to my drone.  As you can see, she doesn't have that much room to move around in the channel.
From the edge of the lighthouse until the other side of this channel it is almost 1700 feet long.
The channel is about 220 feet at it's widest point and and about 180 feet at it's narrowest point.
As you can see, it is a little on the angled side.
The ship carefully enters the channel.
She has to make a turn almost immediately, otherwise it might eat some seawall.  Since I was paying attention to my drone, I didn't really notice thta.
And she continues on her way to Lake Macatawa.
She makes another turn.
I kind of like this shot.
And she enters the lake.
Almost clear of the channel.
And one more shot of her.

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