Thursday, November 26, 2020

Catching the Federal Yoshino

 I thought I had a chance to catch a thousand footer but I wanted to decrease the time until seeing that ship because I knew that my light was rapidly leaving me.  So I headed down to Marine City to catch it.  It turns out that the thousand footer was further away than I thought it was, however this guy came around the bend.

I'm not sure where she was heading from.  I want to say it was something like Milwaukee but again I'm not sure.  I should have paid attention when I looked her up.
I can see where she is headed though.  She is going to place called Greenore, Ireland.  I presume she has a cargo of grain in her hold.
She one of many Federal Navigation ships and they all have pretty much the same dimensions and carrying capacity.
This ship was launched in 2001 and she was built in the Shin Kurushima Shipyards in Japan.
She is 624 feet long and 77 feet wide.  She can carry 32,787 tons of cargo because she's a little smaller than her fleetmates.
I'll have to say she is a lovely ship.
And the light was perfect.

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