Friday, November 20, 2020

The Arthur M. Anderson Unloading Stone in Detroit

 As I said in the last post, I saw that the Arthur M. Anderson was unloading at a dock near one of my photo spots.  The photo spot is on the other side of the Ambassador Bridge and it's helpful when I want pictures of upbound ships going through the Ambassador Bridge.  The only problem is that it is a little rough although a little less rough now that the Riverwalk goes to it.

The Arthur M. Anderson was unloading stone and this is a pretty good dock to catch pictures of that.  Except in the evening because I'm shooting into the sun but I kind of like this sunset picture.
I didn't realize how far away she would be though.  I was pushing the limits of my drone, so I couldn't get all around shots but this works.
One thing nice about a docked ship is that I get a chance to play around with different angles of the drone.  I don't have to decide where I want to shoot from.
It lets me get some shots I don't normally try with a moving ship.
You can see her unloading.  I think she was pretty close to complete at this point.
You can see the Barnacle in the background.  You can also see a ship unloading at Nicholson Dock but I'm not sure which one.
So I was going for a more overhead angle.  Again, I was pushing the distance of my drone at this point and was start to lose communication with it.  I didn't really want it to go in the drink, so I pulled back a little bit.
Trying to get the almost straight on shot.
One more of that from a higher angle.
And I think I'm liking this angle.

And before I left, I switched to my other camera.  I like this shot of her.  You can see the stone unloading and you can see that she is riding high.  Like  I said,  I think she was complete shortly after my leaving.

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