Monday, November 9, 2020

Welcome Back to the Missisagi

 It seems like the Mississagi has been my go to ship this year.  She has been a pretty busy ship and I caught her again on Saturday.

It was pretty warm on Saturday and I wasn't able to use my first few pictures because of the heat haze.  I'm not 100% happy with this one but it's not bad.
I think she was heading up from Sandusky and I think she had a load of stone but I'm not sure where she was headed for.
But she was definitely loaded.
It's not usual to see upbound ships loaded but I prefer it when I get pictures of ships loaded.
The sun was hitting her just about right.
The lighting was beautiful.
I just wish I had a better background.
And then I switched to the drone.
I was thinking of keeping the drone so I could get a head on shot but I moved it to the side.
It was a little on the windy side, so I didn't take it up too high.
I kind of like this angle.  I think I should take it lower.
One more shot from this angle.
The beam shot.
And she continues up.  I tried to follow her for a bit.
I like her wake in this shot.
And one more shot.

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