Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Catching the Tregurtha on Thanksgiving

 So I had Thanksgiving off.  I took a look at Marine Traffic and I saw that the Lee A. Tregurtha was making her way down.  I wanted to catch her with my drone so I could get some different pictures of her.

So she was passing Belle Isle but unfortunately, it was kind of a cloudy day.  It was at the time of the day when downbound ships look pretty good in the sunlight.
It was a little on the cold side, so her scrubber was producing a nice cloud of steam.
Anyway, if I remember correctly, she was heading down to Toledo.
But I'm not sure what she was carrying.
She was pretty well loaded though.
She is one of my favorite ships and she has a pretty unique history for a lake ship.
If you look at her bow, you can tell that she was an ocean going ship at one time.
Most of the lake ships have a flatter bow because they don't travel far enough to worry about fuel efficiency.
The lake ships care more about cargo capacity.
The clouds were pretty gray and that makes for nice ship shots.
She gives the almost beam shot.
And the beam shot.
She continues on her way.

And one more shot of her as she continues down to Toledo.  I think it is about a 5 hour journey for her from here.

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