Thursday, January 28, 2021

A Nice Sunny Day for Planes

 So Saturday was a pretty nice day except that there wasn't much river traffic passing by.  Most of the ships are in layup now.  There are a handful that will run all year but those ships are limited to areas where they don't have to go through locks.  I wasn't sure what else I could do, so I decided to head to the airport.  There was a nice stream of interesting (at least to me) planes.

First up was an Embrear ERJ-170.  It was arriving from Columbus.
Next up was an A321 coming from Tampa.  Speaking of which, the Tampa Bay Bucaneers will play the Kansas City Chiefs in the Super Bowl.  The Super Bowl will be hosted in Tampa which will mark the first time that one of the teams in the Super Bowl will be playing at home.
And an A321 belonging to Spirit Airlines arriving from Atlanta.
Got the beacon shot.
It was followed by one of the planes I was interested in.
This 757-300 was arriving from Orlando.
And because I like this plane.
Plenty of pictures.
It was a nice day.
And one more.
This CRJ-700 was arriving from Cincinnati. 
An American 737.
This one was coming in from Phoenix.
And the other plane that I was interested in.
This was a TUI 787 coming in from Manchester, England.  It was carrying parts for GM.
I stuck around for one more plane.
This was a 737 belonging to Southwest Airlines.
It was coming in from Chicago's Midway Airport.

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