Sunday, January 3, 2021

A Thank You to My Readers

 I was looking at my blog stats the other day and I see that I've had 1.3 million views of this blog since I started (or possibly since I started to track them).  I started this blog after an attempt to write a political blog and when I realized I could create original content, I switched blogs and started this one.  Plus, it seemed like at that time political blogs were a dime a dozen and I didn't think mine would last.

So with this image, I started on a path to post pictures of original photography.  It started with mostly pictures from around Michigan but over the years, it has expanded to my travels across the country.  Because of this, I've taken a few railroad trips out west and another out east.  It was kind of cool to trace the routes that some of the settlers took as they headed out West.  As I took the train out East, I passed different forms of our history.  I've been through quite a bit over the years but for the most part I have soldiered on.
Even though this sounds like a farewell post.  It is not.  It is merely a thank to all the people that have read and followed my blog over the years.  It is nice know that there are enough people that care to read it.  I'm not sure when I will post my last article here, but it will be while.  Anyway, I hope you all enjoy my content.  In the coming year, I'm going to be more consistent with my posting, even if it means recycling old pictures to tell something new with them.

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