Monday, January 11, 2021

Catching the Eagle Again

 As I was leaving, I saw the eagle fly across the road.  Unfortunately, I couldn't get my camera together fast enough to catch it but it did a couple of circles over the river and then landed on his perch.

I was able to catch the eagle landing.  Makes for a fairly nice picture.
So I waited around for the eagle to take to the air again.
I just wish the light were a little better for these shots.
I love the look of an eagle in the wild.
And then he took to the air.
I wish I didn't have the branches in this picture.  The eagle was circling over the river.  I think he was fishing.  I do like this picture otherwise.
Anyway, the seagulls would have nothing of the eagle fishing in their area, so they chased him off.
I decided to wait a little longer for the eagle to take off again.
Unfortunately, he didn't.
But he still makes for some nice pictures.
I don't think there is a much more majestic looking bird.
When I think back 25 years ago, you pretty much had to go to Colorado or Alaska to see an eagle.  There were some spots in Northern Michigan but you weren't guaranteed to see an eagle.  Then I started to see several when I'd go up to visit my mom.  Then I saw them regularly down in Ohio.   Now I am seeing them regularly on Belle Isle.  It is nice that they made a comeback like this.

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