Saturday, January 2, 2021

Christmas Eve at the Aluminum Aviary

 I thought I would do a little boatwatching on Christmas Eve but the boats weren't cooperating for me.   So I headed over to the airport because I needed to take pictures of something.  I figured airplanes were as good as anything.

First up was an Embrear 175 from Buffalo.
It was followed by a CRJ-900 from Cincinnati.
A Jet Blue Embrear 190 flying in from Boston.  This was one of the planes I was hoping to catch.
It was followed by a 767 which was another plane I was hoping to catch.
This particular one was coming up from Orlando.
Like I said in another post, I think Delta has been using a few of these on domestic routes.
Another plane I was going out for.
I wasn't expecting to catch it though because it was coming in from Minneapolis and those usually come to the other side of the airport.
So I was happy when I saw it approaching.
One more shot.
And I decided to stick around for one more plane.
It was an A350 coming in from Amsterdam.  I haven't seen too many of these since the beginning of COVID.
The bulk of them come in from Asia and travel from there has been shut down.
One more shot.

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