Friday, February 26, 2021

A Brief Stop at the Aluminum Aviary

 It was a pretty nice day last Saturday.  The sun was out but it was a little on the cold side.  Rumor has it that it is going to be warm tomorrow.  I hope so, maybe I'll be able to get my drone out.  Anyway, I decided to make a stop at the airport before heading over to Belle Isle.  I left myself with enough time to do so.

First up was an A321.
She was heading up from Fort Lauderdale.
Next up was a CRJ-900 from Elmira, New York.
Next up is what is known as a CRJ-550.  Other airlines call it a CRJ-700 but this is a spruced up version for United.
And the plane that I was actually waiting for.
The 757.
This one was the 757-300 which is the stretch version.
It looks kind of cool.
This particular one was coming in from Orlando.
Or the World of the Mouse as I call it.
And you can see why they call it the flying pencil.
And one more shot of it.

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