Sunday, February 28, 2021

A Couple of the Eagles on Belle Isle

 As I said, I went on a quest for eagles.  That ended up being circling the island until I saw one.

I saw this one sitting up in a tree and he took off shortly after I got there.
This is an immature eagle.
I went back around the island and I saw this guy in his normal spot.
I decided to wait around to get a few pictures.
He was moving his head quite a bit, so I was able to get some decent looks.
These are cool looking birds.

He looked back towards the group of people that were assembled on my side of the river.
He might have also been looking for food.
Another frontal shot.
And a nice majestic pose.
As the sun came out, the wind started to pick up.
Ruffled his feathers a little bit.
Made for a squatter pose.
I kind of like it when the feathers kick up like this.
So he was just looking around.
I decided to get a few more pictures because I figured it would be a matter of time before he flew off.

And sure enough, he did.

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