Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Catching Up With the Algosea

 I ended up taking Friday off and I wasn't sure what I wanted to do and then I saw that a couple of ships were passing Belle Isle, so I decided to head over there.

First up was the Algosea.
She was heading up to Sarnia from Nanticoke.
I'm not sure if she returns to Sarnia loaded but it almost looks like it.
As you can see, the ice is almost gone from the Detroit River.
There was a little in spots but the channel was pretty clear.
And that means shipping season will be upon us very soon.
It was a pretty nice day to boot but it was a little on the cold side.
An almost clean shot.
The almost beamshot.
And the beam shot.
She continues her way up the river.
And one more shot.

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