Wednesday, March 10, 2021

The Unadilla School House

 On Sunday I took my mom for a ride on Embury Road.  We didn't see anything but I think that is coming soon.

If you continue up Embury Road and turn left, you continue on a dirt road.  Eventually you end up here.
It is a nice spot because there is a clean outhouse.  There is also this schoolhouse.
Unadilla was Township was formed in 1835 by the then Territory of Michigan.  The first land there was purchased by Eli Ruggles in 1833.  He was accompanied by his brother in law Amos Williams.  Ruggles died shortly after this.  Amos Williams and his son built a sawmill in 1834.
The sawmill is no longer there but there are still a few buildings around.

1 comment:

  1. Do you know the name of the "dirt" road you turned left on? I'm not see any roads to the left off Embury as your "going up" (north?). I would love to see this school, but I can find no accurate directions. Thanks
