Sunday, April 11, 2021

And the CSL Tadoussac

These pictures are going to be out of order because I was going to put all of my Tadoussac pictures in one spot.

As I was taking pictures of the Alpena, I saw that the CSL Tadoussac was making her way down.
As she is one of three of the classic Canadian lakers left, that makes her one of my favorite boats.
Well, she is my third favorite Canadian boat.
The first is her fleetmate, the Frontenac.  Sadly, I was not able to catch her this weekend because her timing was off from my timing.
My second favorite Canadian boat is the John Leitch and that's mostly because she is an odd duck.  Many in the boatnerd community do not like her.
I think the CSL Tadoussac was heading down from Thunder Bay.
And I think she was heading to Quebec City.
But she could have been heading over to Nanticoke also.  Given that I could have seen her this weekend, I think Nanticoke is more likely.
And if that is the case, she is carrying taconite in these pictures.
She makes the turn for the river.
My last shot here with my normal camera.
And then I switched to my drone.
It seems that I'm going to have to work with my drone a bit.  I think I'd like to get the ships more lined up.  But I can't shoot directly over the ship.
I do like this angle and you can see her odd wake from this shot.
You can see her wake better in this picture.  I love the nice ripples that it produces.
And then she continues down the river.
I decided to head down to Algonac next.
It was kind of nice there, the water levels are down a little bit from last year, so there is kind of a beach there again.
I took a couple more shots with my normal camera.
One more.
And then I switched to my drone again.
I kind of like this angle.
Trying to get the beam shot.  AGain, I think I need to practice with my drone again.  After a couple months off, I'm a little out of practice.
The sun wasn't being helpful either.
One more shot as she continues down the St. Clair River.
So then I decided to head down to Belle Isle after getting pictures of the next two ships.
That puts this slightly out of order but that's okay, I wanted to keep these all in one post.
Unfortunately, my drone was out of batteries at this point.
But I think got enough done shots of her.
She continues to pass by my spot.
I was amazed at the number of seagulls around her.

I switched to my smaller lens.
The beam shot.
And she continues on her way.
One more stern shot.

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