Sunday, April 11, 2021

And Lastly the Thunder Bay

 And so I ended my day (sort you know, I went down to Belle Isle after this) with the Thunder Bay.

I don't remember where she was heading or where she was heading from but it was nice to see her.  I think the shipping season is pretty much in swing now.
I think the shipping companies will be able to put COVID almost behind them.  I think I read that they were setting up a vaccine clinic near the Soo Locks.
It was little chilly on this particular day.  In fact, you can see a little ice on the hull.
You can also see some ice on the anchors.
The head shot.
She  turns for the rest of the river.
I kind of like this view with the power plant behind her.
She makes the turn for the channel.
A couple more shots before switching the drone.
I kind of like the looks of these ships as well.  They are definitely growing on me.
And then I switched to my drone.
She has kind of a cool wake pattern too.
You can see the turns.
This time I tried to get a little closer.

And then my drone was yelling at me because my battery was low.

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