Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Catching the Ocean Castle

 Since I had to take Thursday off, I figured I might as well take Friday off too.  I'm not sure what I wanted to do but then I looked at Marine Traffic and saw that I could catch quite a few ships.  Because of that, I decided to head up to Port Huron first.

The first ship that I saw was the Ocean Castle.  I kind of like the name because it reminds me of a less famous Gordon Lightfoot song about another nautical disaster.
I think this ship has been here before but if not, I'll go over a brief bit of her history.
She was built in 2005 as the Federal Mattawa for Federal Navigation.
She was acquired by her current owners in 2015 and renamed the Ocean Castle.
She is currently under charter to Federal Navigation, which is kind of funny because they used to own her.
It seems like most of the salties are taken care of pretty well.
One shot with the bridge behind her.
It was actually calm enough that I could get my drone out.
I was kind of happy about that because I am liking the other angles that I can get.
I really like the look of salties from the air.
I think she was heading down to Detroit but that might be just to pick up a pilot.
You can see the Mississagi off to the side.
Now I know why they call it Blue Water.
She passes the Hollyhock.
Her home port is in Malta but I have a feeling she has never been there.  Looking at Marine Traffic, she is continuing to Portland in the United Kingdom.

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