Thursday, April 1, 2021

Catching a Tri-Jet

 Apparently I could have caught an An-124 if I could have gotten away from work on Monday but I couldn't, so I didn't.  I was thinking about heading over to Metro to see if I could get pictures of it on the ground.  I should have because I could have gotten pictures with its nose up.  Anyway, I was looking at FlightAware and I saw that a 727 was heading into Willow Run.  While that isn't particularly rare, it isn't particularly common either.  It was a nice night, so I headed over there.

while I was waiting for the main attraction, I noticed that planes that would be landing at Detroit Metro Airport were flying over.  I decided to get a picture of this Spirit Airlines A320.
This guy was doing touch and go landings.
It was a Piper Arrow.
And it was pretty cool to catch.
This Kalitta 737 was getting ready to take off it.  It had to watch for the Piper Arrow to return.
The Piper Arrow returned.
The light was just about perfect.
I kind of like catching beacon shots.
The almost straight out shot.
And the plane that I was waiting for.
It was a 727 coming in from Queretaro in Mexico.
It was a pretty loud plane.  I couldn't imagine living near an airport in the days when these were more common.
Modern planes are quiet.
One more shot.
I still had a little more light, so I decided to head over to get pictures of the B-52.
They moved her to a better spot and based on the signage, they are building an hangar over here.  I'm sure if its instead of the factory one.
Another angle of that plane.
I saw this plane.  Evidently, they are doing work on it as it doesn't have any engines.  I liked the picture with the sunset in the background.
I liked it so much that I took another.

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