Friday, April 30, 2021

Catching Up With An Old Friend

 I almost wasn't going to do anything last Saturday and then I saw that there would be six ships passing within a couple of hours.  When I saw what ships they were, I realized that I had to get down to Belle Isle.

First up in the bunch was the Atlantic Huron.
The Atlantic Huron holds a special place in my heart because she was the first ship I caught a picture of where I thought that I could do this ship photography thing.
She was passing the Pineglen at the Soo Locks and I loved the picture that was a result of that.  I think I've taken better pictures since then but I still like that one.
I thought that she wasn't long for this world but I found she's still going to be around for a while.
I rarely get a chance to see her though.  She tends to make those long voyages where I don't get to see her alot.
It was calm enough for my drone, so I took it out.
She's got a pretty cool wake.

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