Saturday, April 24, 2021

Some Drone Shots of the USS Edson

 After getting some drone shots of the Edson one day, I decided that I wanted to get some more.  After the funeral on Thursday, it provided a good opportunity to do so.  It was a little on the windy side but not too bad.  I ended up going a little closer to her in order to get some decent angles.

It was a weird weather day, it started out sunny and it was snowing during the funeral.  The sun peaked out a little bit.
For instance, the sun peaked out in this shot.
I tried to get more or less a beam shot in this picture.  Unfortunately, I couldn't go much higher because of the wind.
Since I like bow shots and I would either need a drone or a boat to do so, I took some.
I went a little lower to get the angle that I'm used to.  I didn't want to go much lower because I didn't want my drone to become a submersible.
I was trying another angle.  I can get this one but not from the air.
I moved over again.
A little closer but not too close.

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