Thursday, April 15, 2021

The Ship that Knocked Me Out

 Since I was up in Port Huron, I had to look at Marine Traffic to see if there were any other ships either coming up or down.  I saw that there was another ship around St. Clair.  That meant she would be around in roughly and hour, so I stayed up in Port Huron because I hate to get just one ship picture.

The ship in question was the Algoma Niagara.  She was one of the ships I saw before I got knocked out of commission for three months.
At that time, she was taking her first trip on the Great Lakes.
This one is one of many trips that she has taken on the Great Lakes.
I think she was heading up to Goderich based on where she is right now.
Anyway, I like the paint scheme on her.
She makes the turn to leave the river.
Again, this is one of the reasons why I like to boatwatch in Port Huron.
She is kicking up a bit of a bone.
The bow shot.
One more shot before switching to my drone.
I still need to work on my drone shots.  I need to figure out the altitude I need.
But I do like this shot and this angle.
She starts to leave the channel.
You can see her wake.  This is one of the things I like about drone shots, you can see the different wakes of the ships.
Almost the beam shot.
If only I were in a torpedo bomber, this would be a perfect shot.
She heads out to Lake Huron.  There is still a bit of a haze out there.
One more shot.

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