Friday, April 23, 2021

The True Bird of Spring

 Many people call the robin the "bird of spring" and will state when they see their first robin.  I'm not so sure about that.  It seems like there are many robins that do not fly south from the winter and the first ones that we see are probably from that group.  I've also read that robins are not a migratory as originally though.  There are some that migrate but not as many.

I don't think that is the case with the red winged blackbird.  They migrate before winter hits and when spring comes around they head back here.  This is their breeding range.
I like the little bit of red on their wings.  For some reason it reminds me of a military ribbon.  I think that it makes them more regal looking that many other birds.  They also have a pretty cool song.  

Anyway, when I see one of these, I know for sure that spring is here.

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