Monday, May 24, 2021

A Little Friday Night Shipwatching

 So on Friday night, I saw that there was ship that I wanted to catch coming up.   I had to catch her in Port Huron.  I headed up there as soon as I got out of work.

This wasn't the ship I wanted to catch but since she was there, I figured I would get some pictures of her.  The ship I wanted to catch was in her baffles.
The CSL Assiniboine was heading up to Superior, Wisconsin.  I think she was heading up to pick up taconite.
Anyway, I've only caught this ship once this year and that was from behind while she was fueling.  So it was nice to catch her.
The only problem is that it was pretty warm out and that made many of my pictures unusable.
While I like to photograph ships, this time of year has been iffy for the past couple of years.  
When the air temperature reaches 80 or above, that reacts with the much cooler water and makes heat haze.
While these shots are okay, my further out shots look like they are out of focus.
Anyway, the lighting was nice.
She continues on.
After getting some shots of the other ships, I headed up to Port Huron to catch more shots of her.
I love taking pictures in Port Huron because you can get many different angles of ships.
I think these shots give a much better idea of their size.
My almost bow shot.
And my favorite shot in Port Huron.
She turns to leave the river.
When I first got my drone, I didn't think I would use it that much.  But it seems like I want to get more shots of ships with it.
It presents a different angle.  I see stuff that I never saw before.
But as you can see, I'm not completely replacing shots with my normal camera.
I think this may be my favorite drone shot so far.
And she just about passes.
The almost beam shot.
And the beam shot.
She continues out to Lake Huron.

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