Saturday, May 8, 2021

And Then There Was the Algoma Conveyor

 It wasn't long before the next ship appeared.

I'm not sure where she was heading from but I'm pretty sure that she was heading up to Goderich.
The ship in question is liked by the author of this blog because the name reminds him of another ship.
And that ship is the Atlantic Conveyor which was lost in the Falklands War.  She was container ship and she was being used to ferry Harriers for the British fleet.  The Argentinians saw her and sank her with an Exocet missile.  I think by that time, she had offloaded her cargo.
Well this ship is neither British or a container ship, so the name is the only similarity.  
But I do like the looks of these ships, so there's that.
Anyway, it was nice to catch her.
She continues up the river.
She got more in a spot where I wasn't shooting into the sun.
The beam shot.
And one more shot.

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