Tuesday, May 25, 2021

And Then There Was the American Integrity

 I'm always glad when I can catch more than one ship.  In fact, I usually try to make it so that I can catch more than one.  Makes the trip seem more worth it.

The American Integrity was coming down from Superior.
She had a load of coal for the St. Clair Power Plant.
They usually pick up the coal in Minnesota because it comes from Wymoing.
Wyoming has low sulfur coal which makes it desirable for coal plants that are trying to reduce acid rain generation.
It's probably more expensive too.
The bow shot.
She makes the turn for the river entrance.
I kind of like the skies here.
The water horizon almost blends in.
And that makes the ship stand out.
She makes her turn for the river entrance.
I kind of like this shot.
Almost bow shot.
And the bow shot.
She makes her turn for the river.
Another three quarters shot.
And then I switched to my drone.  I was a little higher this time.
I think the 1000 footers look really cool from a drone.
They look every bit their size from the air.
There is no confusing these giants.
She continues down the river.  From this point, it is about two hours to her destination.
She passes the Hollyhock.
One more shot with my regular camera.

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