Saturday, May 29, 2021

And Then There was the American Integrity

 I was hoping to catch the American Integrity.  She was coming up from St Clair having delivered coal there.

But she stopped just short of the curve to leave the St Clair River.
I wasn't sure how long she was going to stay there, so I was pretty sure that I wasn't going to get any pictures of her.  I'm not sure why she stopped there.
Anyway, just as I was finishing up pictures of the AlgoCanada, I saw that was starting to move.
Which is pretty cool.
I like the 1000 footers.
She makes her turn to leave the channel.
A little slower than the other ships.
I kind of like this angle.
A bow show that shows of her 105 foot beam.
One more shot with my regular camera.
Because the other spot was full, I ended up going to a different spot on this side of the bridge.  That made for some different angles.
But I liked them.  I'm gonna have to try this spot again, I think.
She makes the turn to head out.
I'll have to say that these ships look really cool from the air.
The mouth of the St. Clair River.
I'm not sure where she was heading.

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