Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Catching the Algoma Innovator

 I was going to do something else on Sunday but I saw that there were quite a few ships that would be passing.  That was including some ships that I wanted to catch.  I haven't had a day like that in a while, so I had to head up to Port Huron.

First up was the Algoma Innovator and for the life of me, I don't remember where she was heading.  Based on where she is, it had to be somewhere close though.
I'm thinking she was heading down to Detroit or Windsor with a load of salt.
Anyways, it was nice to catch her.
She's showing some signs of wear which is a given since she's been on the lakes for a while.
As I like to say, the Canadian Boats see quite a bit.
And I think she heads to some places that are tight fits.
Which is one of the reasons why she has a front mounted crane.
It was a little windy but not windy enough that I couldn't use my drone.
I kind of like this shot.
She makes her turn towards the river.
The beam shot.
And she continues on.
One more shot.

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