Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Catching the Federal Barents Again

 I decided to head out to Belle Isle on Friday night.  I was hoping to catch a ship.  I ended up catching a few ships.

First up was the Federal Barents as she was returning from her trip to Chicago.
In this picture she was on her way to Montreal.
After stopping in Montreal, she continues on her way to Belfast, Ireland.
As I type this post, she is to the east of New Brunswick and is making her way for the Atlantic Ocean.
Anyway, it was nice to catch her again.  I like the looks of these ships because they bring some degree of variety to my boatwatching.
I think she was carrying grain, but I'm not sure.
A couple more pictures with my camera.
One more.
And then I switched to the drone.  Again, I was trying to shoot from a lower altitude.
I think I like these angles.
But it would be nice to see more of the deck.
She starts to pass by.
A beam shot.
And she passes by.
I think from this point it is about two days to Montreal.

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